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September 2018

Back cover: "...Along Mosaic Roads consists of a series of lyrical peregrinations that chart journeys into the real and imagined spaces of wanderlust, desire, origins and memory."


"But Michail’s journeying is far more true to a real sense of wonder and as such it opens up far greater possibilities than the world of repetition or self-satisfaction." 

- Ian Brinton, Tears in the Fence, November 2018


"Yes, I do place Along Mosaic Roads on a pedestal, so to speak. Though not one that is fixed. One that is moving, towards roads to come." 

- Anthony Barnett, PN Review, Issue 246

"These are poems that plough the depths of desire and memory and emerge with exciting treasure. ...In addition to challenging the limits of time and space, this collection seeks to escape the confines of language itself."


- Jade Cuttle, Poetry Wales, Vol. 54 N. 3 

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